Are your dreams goals or just dreams?


Very often we talk about goals and dreams as the same thing but I believe there is a key difference.

Dreams are the things we wish for. Dreams are hopes that they will come true one day, perhaps if we win the lottery . Goals on the other hand are the dreams that we are actively working towards each day either consciously or unconsciously.

Every day we are given multiple opportunities to change our lives in the direction of our dreams but if we keep saying no to new experiences and keep doing the same thing we will never see them. When we set goals however, we are more conscious of our behaviour and we align our actions to what we desire either consciously but sometimes unconsciously too. Just going to bed every night dreaming of what we want filters down to our unconscious and soon our actions do become aligned with our goals. However, often we can have a block to manifesting our dreams.

If you are frustrated at not being able to manifest your dreams I encourage you to answer the following six questions:

  • How much do you really want this?
  • What are you prepared to do to get it?
  • Do your actions align with what are you prepared to do to get it?
  • How will you feel when you get it?
  • What is it exactly that you want?
  • Why do you want this?


I encourage you to turn your dreams into goals by answering these questions. If you truly want your dreams to come true then the universe and everyone will support you however, you must be willing on some level to do some work. I believe we can attract the things we want in our lives but only through turning them into goals, do we become more conscious of our mindset and behaviours. This then unblocks any resistance you may have to your dreams on an unconscious level.

Next week in Make your dreams come true I will share part two of this blog where I will discuss our mindset and behaviours further by expanding on the questions above and sharing two final questions with you.

© Helen Monaghan


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