Budgeting is number 1 in the top 30 things we wished we had learnt at school

Top 10 things we wish we had learnt at school

According to a recent study, budgeting is the most desired thing, we all wish we had been taught in school. In the top ten, there are another 4 finance related topics!

This is why I started a business in finance coaching.There are so few people in business, who have the finance skills and the money mindset to run a successful business. This is through no fault of their own, they just simply weren’t taught it at school.

Budgeting in particular, is an incredible important skill and it is something I cover with all my clients. I also discuss it in my free eBook  12 Steps to Improve your Cashflow. The following is an extract:

“Planning ahead will help you to budget which allows you to keep money aside for anticipated expenditure. Budgeting stops you overspending – something that is easy to do if you have forgotten you need to pay for something in a couple of months.  This leads to peace of mind over your finances.

I encourage you to consider preparing a cashflow forecast. This includes your estimated income and shows you very clearly how much money you have left over each month to spend on other things. It is an effective financial planning resource for your forecasted budget as it can include the average length of time it takes for your customers to pay you if you offer credit. Ask your accountant or a finance coach to help you set one up. If your cashflow is tight it is crucial that you take control of your finances, and a cashflow forecast really does help. I will be sending out a cashflow template in week 4 when you sign up for the FREE twelve step implementation support. You can register here www.hmcoaching.co.uk/ebook-cashflow.

I talk about other finance related skills in the eBook, and more about the money mindset that is needed to run a successful business in my new book, due out in January 2016; Successful Business Minds. Sign up here to get a free chapter sample of the new book too!

© Helen Monaghan

NB: This article was published in the Metro yesterday and across many media websites. Unfortunately I have been unable to find the original source of the survey.

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