Do you wish you had more time and/ or more money?

I certainly have many times. I often joked with my book mentor about finding that time machine (no luck yet) and as for money, well who hasn’t put a lottery ticket on, even just once!

My last few blogs discussed how you can prioritise your priorities and price your services more effectively and yet realistically you will still find yourself with a finite amount of time and a certain amount of money. You can increase your price, outsource some of your services and make more products to sell whilst you’re on holiday but it’s going to take time and effort before the money rolls in whilst you sit on the beach sipping your cocktail.

Often I find the people around me (including myself!) are always looking at where they want to go (which is a good thing to do for many different reasons especially if they’re driving a car…) and how much they still need to get done yet they often forget to stop for a moment and appreciate what they do have.

I was reminded of this recently. I’ve been reading a fiction book whose main character had a very similar past to mine. Nothing dark or sinister (sorry!) but she simply experienced a lot of stuff that I went through. It’s something I touched on in Successful Business Minds and it got me thinking.

You see, this character’s life went in a very different direction to mine, but the thing that spooked me the most about it was that this direction was a serious threat in my life a long time ago. It was a direction I’d long forgotten about and yet here in my hands was a precious reminder.

I’ve long stopped blaming people for the challenges that life brings me. Admittedly yes, I do still get a tad irritated at times (after all I’m still human!). Equally, I’ve long been grateful for the people who are in my life and the opportunities that have come my way. Yet here was a book asking me to remember just how bad things could have gone and just how truly lucky I was.

So, where am I going with this? Good question!

I’m wondering just how much you are grateful for the time that you do already have in your life, even if you feel it’s not enough to do everything you want to do. Even if that to-do list grows arms & legs and most days it really gets you down.

I’m also wondering just how much you appreciate the money you do have. Money comes in very handy when you really need it and often you may not know when that time will be, which is why saving is important. Everyone wants to be financially comfortable and yet for most people, no matter how much they have, they often still want more.

I’m curious to know, are you someone who wants more (and there is nothing to be ashamed if you are, I am too) but are you also someone who values what you do have and takes time out to stop the clock, look around them and say thank you for what you do have. I certainly am.

I’ll leave you with that thought and I look forward to chatting with you next week.

Love Helen x

Accountant & Author of Successful Business Minds and 12 Steps to Improve Your Cashflow.

© HM Coaching Ltd

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