The REAL reason why you must love what you do

For most of us, thinking we must love what we do ensures we’re on the right path, following our purpose so to speak but as I wrote in a previous blog*, I’m coming to the realisation that our purpose is just to show up as we are and be kind to those around us.

In theory, that sounds quite plausible, but for those who are honest enough to admit it, some days that can just be too hard….

That is why we must love what we do

Some days we’ll struggle to get out of bed, and/or feel deflated for no reason. Although, maybe there is a reason, either way it doesn’t change how we feel. If we don’t at least get some joy out of what we do, those days are going to really hurt!

Some people may do something for the money, others will say they just love helping people, but in my opinion, there has to be joy in the task that you are doing and I’ll tell you why.

If you’re doing it for money and you don’t get paid you’ll be incredible p*ss*d off. Likewise, if you’re strapped for cash and you don’t get a rise you’re likely to be pretty angry.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you’re doing it to be helpful, and the person rejects you’re assistance or just doesn’t appreciate it, you likely feel pretty annoyed, no matter how hard you try to hide it.

If you enjoy what you do, you’ll find it harder to make it personal

Woman jumping for joy in mountain meadow, front view

If you’re doing something for the sheer joy it brings you, you’ll shrug off any upsets easier. If you fall, you’ll get back up quicker, dust yourself off and get on with your day in a lighter mood.

If you wake one morning and can’t bear to step outside the covers, your heart will get a little excited at doing something fun today and drag you out of bed. If you feel fearful because of everything that is going on and are struggling to make sense of it all, you will feel comfort and safety in doing something you enjoy.

Until you can find this peace, a place where you can step back from everything that is going on and feel the joy rise up every time you do what you love, you can get inquisitive.

The following reflective questions will help you move away from taking life’s challenges personally, to shrugging off another of life’s curve balls…

  • Is there another way to interpret what has happened, or been said?

  • Could there be an opportunity in this?

  • Am I genuinely angry, or is it my ego that is offended?

  • Is there something to truly fear, or am I resisting change?

Have fun, take care and stay safe. Hx

*Previous blog: How to find clarity amongst the chaos

Helen Monaghan

Chartered Management Accountant and Author of The Magical Mix of Money & TaxSuccessful Business Minds, and 12 Steps to Improve Your Cashflow.

© HM Finance Coaching Ltd

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