Why I count my money

979583-scroogeSomeone jokingly once called me scrooge when I was younger as I was always counting my money and never appeared to spend my pocket money or my part time wages. Yet when it came to birthdays and Christmas I had savings to buy something for myself and gifts for others. Sometimes, I would save up to buy something big too.

I still count my money and save money because I just love counting it and reconciling my savings, income and expenditure. I’m not sure why but I think it has to do with an activity I used to do with my gran. I collected stamps for a while too but soon got bored with that! I also see money and numbers as a language that I can translate easily and I love listening to the story they tell me.

I also think it is who I am. I don’t necessary buy into the whole astrology thing but I do find it fascinating and I am curious. A birthday late September, means I am a Libran (the scales, i.e. balance), therefore I am just destined to balance my money! 😉

But what this can mean to others is that familiar image of Scrooge counting his money and not giving to anyone and being mean. This angers people for many reasons. Yet I find by knowing what I have in savings and knowing what I spend, it tells me what I can afford. When I go on holiday to somewhere new I take a rough record of what I spend so I know if I visit again, or somewhere similar, I know what I can expect to spend. This means it’s great for budgeting and forecasting too.

What it doesn’t mean, is that I don’t spend my money. My partner, and my assistant, will tell you that I do! I just save it and then spend it on things like holidays, training courses, publishing books, notebooks, books, parker pens or going on writing retreats… I just don’t waste my money on things that will not bring me joy nor last.

I recall in the lead up to my book launch, I was talking to someone about the book cover hiccup, plus a few minor mistakes in the book itself. She asked me if I had plenty of time to reprint. I said yes, it was likely. She then replied “Well, you’re an accountant (aka scrooge) so you must have plenty of money to just scrap the first print run and reprint”.

Did she mean I had savings? Yes, I did. Did she mean that I could just throw circa £750 down the drain?

Savings or no savings, never going to happen!

I like to count my money because it tells me how much I have when suddenly someone tells me about an amazing opportunity and I know there and then if I can afford it. I like to reconcile my money because it tells me how to plan and manage my money in the future. I like to ensure that I don’t waste money because it has energy and value and deserves respect.

I believe that because of the image of Scrooge, it is preventing many people managing their money better and planning for the future. I believe there are people who would like to have savings and not rely on banks or friends for a loan. I believe there a lot of people who would like work less hours or retire early but they can’t because they have no savings.

I believe these people exist because some of them are my clients. Money is just paper and metal. I explained that in Successful Business Minds. Yet because of associations such as Scrooge and fly away comments or jokes it can prevent someone from taking care of their family or even themselves.

We live in a western world and we need money. Money is energy and it is available to everyone but if you have negative emotions towards it and hate anyone with too much of it, then it is sending out a mixed message. You either want it or you don’t.

And, if you run a business, then I suggest you lean towards the wanting it… 😉

I talk about the energy and associations of money in Successful Business Minds, however, can I suggest that you come to respect money and what it can do for your business, your partner, your friends, yourself and everyone else you want to help.

I know people can ‘over save’ and then die leaving savings behind, after living a very frugal life but do we ever really know when our time is up?

I save for my future but I live for now. I manage my money so I can afford the things I want now but equally I work towards building up a little something for a future I hope to see.

I hope you take what you need from this blog, whether that is encouragement to manage your money a little better, or maybe just be a little more compassionate towards those who do.

Love Helen x

Ps. I mentioned in Successful Business Minds, we all have a money story. I wonder what yours is?

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