Would you like to feel good about earning money, saving it and spending it!

Broken Piggy Bank

Following on from my last two blogs I would like to let you in on a little secret.

When you feel good about money it means you feel good about talking about your prices, it means you feel good about asking and accepting money from your customers, it means you feel good about saving money (and you learn how best to do that) and it means you enjoy spending it!

Yes, that’s right, spending it.

Most people feel guilty when they spend money, either during, or directly after. I explained briefly in How do you calculate if an investment is worthwhile? why guilt happens and I go into more depth in Successful Business Minds but essentially it means that you feel bad because you ‘should’ have saved that money, kept it aside for something else or deep down you’re not really sure this expenditure is right for you, but you just gotta have it!

This guilt is bad for you for two reasons. 1. It makes you feel crap! and 2. the guilt actually makes you want to spend more money; because you feel ashamed you buy another treat to cheer yourself up. The guilt then starts all over again…

But if you know what you can afford, which I explained in Why I count my money,and you have done your calculations, as explained in How do you calculate if an investment is worthwhile?, then you will feel less guilty and more happy about spending (and saving) money.

The 3 main things that stop you from doing these actions are as follows:

          1. You have a hang up about money from a fly away comment or experience years ago.
          2. You don’t know how best to get into a routine of doing your accounts and looking at your money.
          3. You don’t actually know how much you should be putting aside as you’ve never considered (a) budgeting (b) forecasting your cash-flow or (c) what percentage to put away for a rainy day.


If all these sound familiar to you then come along to meet me and another awesome management accountant, Michelle Gregory from Gregory Accounting, on 27th October at SRUC Oatridge College Campus, Broxburn, Scotland (11.45am – 2pm), where we will be giving you tips on how to overcome the above challenges by sharing:

          • How best to approach your finances and sales.
          • Steps and habits to take more control of your finances
          • Tips and actions to smooth the bumps in your income.
          • A personal copy of my e-book 12 Steps to Improve your Cashflow


If you would like to come, you can get your ticket from HERE. NB: Lunch is included in the price (which makes it a bargain!). Hope to see you there. 🙂

Love Helen x

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