Book Launch Diary: 8 days to go!
Tuesday was a day for administrative book launch tasks and the delivery of 150 books! 🙂
I started off the morning with my diary blog post and then swiftly moved on to marketing and administration tasks for the book launch. Unfortunately, I have had to scrap most of what I did due to lead/delivery times and if truthful, unnecessary (and costly) for the launch.
I was thinking fancy gift bags, an upright banner, and bookmarks. These are all nice to have for an exhibition for example, but after going for a walk and thinking about it some more, I realised that they could be ditched for now. Plus I had other things to think about!
Mary got it touch to tell me the books had arrived!
I didn’t have my car so I was unable to go pick them up. I felt a little frustrated at that but equally I had planned on picking them up tomorrow evening when I am in town and will have the car. At least I could relax in the knowledge that they were here in time for the book launch in Edinburgh next week. I am grateful that I also have them for a talk I am doing in Portsmouth on Friday (which is good really as I already have two orders and it’s not even my event!)
It’s ok, I’m not poaching on someone else’s patch. It’s my book mentor’s fourth book launch and she has offered me and 3 others, the opportunity to talk about our books and our author’s journey. If you live near Portsmouth you might be interested in it: The Author’s Journey: Celebrating Karen Williams’ New Book The Mouse That Roars.
I hope to follow in Karen’s footsteps and publish 4 books. In fact, I have quite a few in my heart that are wanting to come out but I must confess this project has been a lot harder than I thought. I never imagined for one minute that it would be a walk in the park. Although, this has challenged me in more ways than I thought possible.
Writing a book full time is challenging enough, just ask any author. Writing a book whilst running a full-time business is a juggling act between doing what is important and ditching what is not. Writing a book whilst running a full-time business and doing a part time psychology degree is likely just insane! But I did it.
I am either passionate, hungry or inspiring to others… It doesn’t matter. It has most definitely been one big massive learning curve – I made a few mistakes. The important fact is that I did it though.
I discuss in the book, what drove me to be who I am. However, my ambitions were not aligned for true success for me, so I did need to tweak them. My ambitions were clouded with fear and not in harmony with my head, heart, body and soul. I share what I had to do in the book and how I later noticed that other successful business owners did something similar, hence my experience became the origins of this book.
We make mistakes, we make wrong choices, we believe things that don’t serve our success. However, it’s important to bring compassion in and be thankful for the paths we explore. We may need those skills we learnt in that place some day.
My experiences set me up with skills to do crazy things like writing a book whilst running a full-time business and doing a part time psychology degree and for that I am grateful.
© Helen Monaghan
If you would like to order a copy of the book Successful Business Minds for £14.99 + P&P you can do so below.