Accounting for Cryptocurrency: Overview

An introduction on how to account for cryptocurrencies, and what tax relates to the profit you make.

Helen · May 21, 2023

There are many books that explain what Cryptocurrencies are, how they come about, and how to make money from them. None of them tell you how to account for them in your financial records. More importantly, none of them tell what tax might be due on gain from them.

This course is a collection of 9 Accounting for Cryptocurrency bite-sized courses. The bundle consists of:

Accounting for Cryptocurrency: Overview [this one]

Accounting for Crypto: Individuals using cryptocurrency

Being paid for goods & services in cryptocurrency: Sole traders

Being paid for goods & services in cryptocurrency: Limited companies & CICs

Accepting donations in cryptocurrency: Charities

Accounting for Crypto: VAT

Accounting for Crypto: Capital Gains

Accounting for Crypto: Income Tax

Buying goods and services using cryptocurrency

About Instructor


Helen Monaghan, is the founder of the Financial Resilience Hub and CEO of HM Finance Coaching & Advisory Ltd. Helen is a chartered management accountant with a second degree in psychology, who is passionate about empowering the business owner about money, tax and resilience.

30 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 15 Lessons