Remember your why

A chapter extract from our book 12 Steps to Improve Your Cashflow

“Most people started their business because they had a vision. This vision involved changing the world or helping it in some way and they got passionately excited every time they thought about it, yet somewhere along their journey, they forgot. They found themselves living through a ‘must do’ list and got caught up in the worry of paying bills and getting sales.

If this sounds familiar to you then I recommend you remember your vision and connect in with it every day. Whether it is changing the world or just changing YOUR world. It is better for you and your business if you are clear on why you do what you do and who you want to help. This will improve your cashflow in a natural effortless way. I would suggest that you set aside time each day, preferably first thing in the morning, to set your intention for the day ahead.

In a recent survey I conducted, 39% of business owners said marketing was their biggest challenge, which is why it is important you establish who you want to help and how you are going to help them.”

To read more, you can either buy from Amazon or download for FREE here!

© Helen Monaghan, HM Coaching Ltd

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