Want your business to be financially resilient?

Join The Financial Resilience Hub today and get access to

* Peer support through our monthly Mastermind (online)
* Engage with others and the course leader during our bi-monthly Workshops (in person, Edinburgh)
* Have all your tax questions in our Tax Clinic (bi-yearly, online) from our in-house accountant
* Finance Tips (fortnightly), and
* Growing library of bite-sized financial resilience guides and courses

All this for a monthly membership fee of £54 (inc VAT)
Rest assure you can cancel anytime if you feel it's not right for you.

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Best Financial Practices

The Financial Resilience Hub is dedicated to sharing the best financial practices you can implement in your business easily. Helen Monaghan has been working with SME's since 1998, and has been helping people like you since 2012 though her accountancy practice - HM Finance Coaching.

Suited to SMEs

We're here to help you run a profitable business effectively and efficiently whether you're a sole trader, a limited company or a landlord. Suited to all service providers, such as small agencies, consultants, freelancers, coaches, developers, and other SME's. Join today!

Our promise to you

When you join the Financial Resilience Hub you gain clarity around accounting, payroll, VAT, and other financial concepts. As a member you also get regular accountability calls, mastermind meetings and workshops to help you grow your money and build your financial resilience.

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Feel confident with your numbers

Join to feel confident speaking with your accountant or financial adviser. Our short training programs, combined with shared knowledge, mastermind calls and workshops are created with you in mind. We want you to be empowered with money and tax conversations.

Exclusive tailored courses

Public and private resources

Join now and start building your financial resilience today!

The Financial Resilience Hub Team

Helen Monaghan

Helen Monaghan

Founder @ Financial Resilience Hub
Advisor, Coach and Accountant

The Hub offers resources on accounting, payroll, VAT, and more, along with regular accountability calls, mastermind meetings, and workshops. Our goal is to help you feel confident when discussing finances and making informed decisions for your business’s long-term success.

Join the Financial Resilience Hub to build a thriving, financially resilient business community together!


Margaret Ward

Assistant @ HM Finance Coaching
Accounts Extraordinaire

We are Hiring!

Would you like to work with us?
Get in touch today!

Albert Sola

Technology Consultant @ Tardix
Platform developer

Reviews from our customers

An accountant with a heart and fabulous coaching skills

Julie Begbie

Founder of Happy Side Hustle, Theta Jewellery and Julie Begbie Associates.
