Are you checking in with your 4 minds?
In Successful Business Minds I asked you to have a meeting of your minds whenever making a decision. I know many readers who have done this, and found it very useful, but I am writing to ask:
When was the last time you checked in with them?
I am ashamed (but human!) to admit that lately I hadn’t been checking in with my four minds as often as I would have liked. With gran being ill, and entering into a busy period of my business, I was skipping my meditation practice, so much so that when I arrived in Spain for a writing retreat last week I was having doubts as to what my next book should be about. It was only through having space to focus on it and chatting to Karen Williams (The Book Mentor), Sheryl Andrews, (The Strength & Solution Detective) and all the other authors on the retreat, before I could see clearly what it should be.
The reason for this was because the retreat gave me the space to acknowledge my 4 minds and what I needed to write. I also got support to help me with some emotional wobbles that came up and had been avoiding and I got the compassion and understanding in the moments when I couldn’t write nor wanted to write.
Aligning the 4 minds is not something that should be done just once. Your external environment will change frequently and when that happens you need to meet and align again. It is also important that you check in daily with your intentions and reflect. If you fail to do this, you will be influenced by your external environment easily.
So can I suggest that even although you may have had that meeting of your minds when you read the book, that you check in regularly with them, or be prepared to have a wobble as a result of something in your environment…
Love Helen x
PS. The upside was there was at least a reason why I didn’t get around to doing all the research on what I thought was the next book, before leaving for Spain! 😉
My next book is called Mastering the 4 Minds and will be about the challenges we face when we implement change in our business and personal life.
If you would like to read more about the writing retreat you can find out more here.