The growing pains of a business


Often people tell me they don’t want to grow their business. Their time is limited and they want to spend it with their family and friends. Or, another reason is that they have seen other businesses grow too big and become distant from their customer and/or only focus on the financials.

I totally get all of those reasons. But what if I told you, you could grow your business, still have time with your family, stay connected to your customer and balance the focus between the financials and the non-financials?

I talk about how to do this in depth in Successful Business Minds, but let me share a couple of things with you today.

Growing your business, in my eyes, simply means spreading your message wider. You provide a service and/or products because you believe in something passionately. This can be grown in many different ways.

You could open another shop/office/clinic, you could write a book, you could employ people who share your skills and values, you could speak at events, you could create a workbook/online course, you could record videos and share on social media, you could provide free gifts. The list goes on…

This can all be done with you, your customers and your family and friends in mind.

Sometimes a business can get a bit lost. It might take on too much work too quickly or open another shop and not have the time to give it attention. What happens is that their passion fuels them but they eventually burn out or they grow too big and worry how they are going to pay next month’s bills; their marketing becomes ‘sales driven’ as opposed to wanting to help.

I have seen businesses fail when they do that, but I have also seen businesses wake up, get focussed and inspired as a result of this experience.

When we balance the 5 key elements I discuss in Successful Business Minds together (cognitive mind, emotional mind, somatic mind, intuitive mind and take action) things become so much easier.

I mention why I got lost in Successful Business Minds and I had another wake up call before I went to Canada (see a previous blog). This is why I am now growing my team, putting on events and continuing to write. I am doing all this so I stay connected to my customers but equally spread my message, see my family and friends, and make time for me.

Stay tuned for next week’s update on our new addition to the team!

Helen x

If you would like to find out more about any of the events I am doing you can find out more from, HERE or call my team on +44 131 448 1097 or email

If you would like to buy any of my books you can get them through Amazon Kindle or directly from my website.

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