Diary blog: Book Launch countdown (21 days)

21 days to go!

It was suggested to me yesterday that I do a diary blog of the book launch. Since I journal every day it seemed an easy task, however, bearing my soul for the world to see is perhaps more the challenge. This is likely the biggest fear I have about publishing the book.

I have been stressing about whether the book will be ready on time. My editor (Mary from Whitewater Publishing) and I are still working on the edits. As I was doing the edits last night from Mary’s comments I stopped myself and started to ask myself the questions I was asking the reader!

What I am feeling?


What am I thinking?

That it will not be ready in time.

Why am I thinking this?

Because we’re still doing the edits.

Why is this happening?

Because I want it to be perfect. I don’t want any criticism.

What feeling would I rather have instead?


What thought would give me that feeling?

Knowing that it will be ok. It will be ready in time. It is my first printed book and there may be errors. Lots of authors who have a massive professional team behind them have published books with typos. I am only printing a small batch and we can correct any we find. As for the criticism, the reviews so far have been great. I know I can’t please everyone but I know my ideal reader will love it and I know it is already helping those who have read it.

What could I do that will make me feel better?

Releasing it to the world. Letting go of perfectionism.

I fell asleep last night much calmer and I slept through the night. That was a first in a week! I woke up today much happier and less stressed. That felt good.

Interestingly, I turned over my Tony Robbins diary calendar from yesterday and it says “Stress is the achiever’s word for fear”. and laughed. That felt good too.

© Helen Monaghan

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