Does your business support you & your partner needs, or just yours?

I spoke about loving your business last week and hopefully you spent some time reflecting on how much you love your partner (with it being Valentine’s Day and all…).

Often when we focus on what we want when running a business or progressing in our career we can forget about our partner. I was talking last week to a couple of clients about how we can find ourselves believing we are helping our relationships but in actual fact we are neglecting them.

Neglect could simply being working late at the office, or burying our head in a project whilst our partner sits in another room in the house. It can also be failing to support their needs.

I used to be a workaholic which meant I only seen my partner in passing or over a very rushed dinner. I go into this in more detail in Successful Business Minds but I find it fascinating when we think we are helping our relationship by earning money when in actual fact our partner needs company or help with some challenges they are having. Alternatively, we can be there for our partner emotionally and physically but they would rather see us earn some more money too.

Your partner is very much like your 4 Minds. They want to be supported by you in all four areas: head, heart, body & soul. They need alone time but they also need your company. They need money to ease the financial burden you share together and they need help to follow their own dreams too. I find this is more prominent when one partner is self-employed and the other is employed.

I encourage you to grab the opportunities, work on the exciting projects, meet lots of wonderful people and build up a financially stable business whilst equally checking in with your partner’s dreams and ambitions too, ensuring they are happy and content. If not, you may wake up one day to find that you are living separate lives.

Your business should be supporting you financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Equally it should also be supporting your partner’s financial, emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

Ensure your business supports you both.

Love Helen x

Buy Successful Business Minds to build a business that supports you and your partner.

© HM Coaching Ltd

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