Is your website really mobile friendly?

This week, I’m going to share an interesting marketing fact that is really quite important in this modern age.

I’m in no way a marketing expert, but I have learned a thing or two whilst running my business. I’m also incredibly grateful that other business owners and some of my clients (who are marketing experts!) have shared a few tips with me from time to time. But this week, whilst working my way through a digital marketing course (an online college course funded by the government) I was amazed to see all those tips come together and the reality of just how mobile friendly our website has to be!

Since 2013 websites are opened far more often on phones and tablets (than pc’s & laptops).

This was not news to me (thanks to my clients’ tips) and my website (WordPress) is set up to adapt to mobiles and tablets but the course helped me to see the website from another perspective. I think the statistics and the graphs helped! Sadly due to copyright, I can’t share them here though.

When I did an SEO search (which assesses mobile friendliness too apparently!) my website didn’t even enter the first 5 pages of Google (I stopped looking after that…). Thankfully this has never been my concern before as I’m grateful that my clients have come to me either through word of mouth (and I still feel that this is the best way for most service businesses) or being out there talking to people. My challenge now is that, we all know how amazing and life changing my books are 😉 but it disheartens me that I have something that could help many people yet they simply don’t know about it…

By looking at my website from a phone and/or a tablet I was able to see how clunky my website was and how the multiple information filled pages in my menu weren’t serving me or the user. I also discovered that it was less easy to navigate around the website on a phone or tablet. I have hopefully since changed that (check it out and let me know if you have a spare couple of minutes – I still have a few things to tweak but it’s a (much better!) improvement.

I wanted to share this with you as maybe you’re like me and didn’t quite realise just how mobile friendly your website really has to be! And if you’re a few steps ahead of me and did know, then well done – why didn’t you tell me? Oh wait, you did…

Next week, we’re going to have a marketing expert write the blog as I pack my bags and head off to the mountains in Spain to finish the first complete draft of How to do your Tax Return with Ease. She’s someone I’ve known for a while now and has always given me great tips. She also knows the importance of measurement and looking after our finances too!

Until then, take care.

Love Helen x

Accountant & Author of Successful Business Minds and 12 Steps to Improve Your Cashflow.

© HM Coaching Ltd

P.s I’m looking for another few guest blogs if you feel you have something to share with others. Not sell, share! 🙂

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